Monday, March 21, 2022

Documenting the Life of Your Family

My son Donny playing in spray, 1974

Don's son Devlin playing in spray, 2004

Not everyone loves photography, but 'most everyone loves pictures.

I have two daughters-in-law, both of them lovely women and each ideally suited to the son to whom she is married. Neither considers herself a photographer, yet each is constantly making photographs. Bonnie has an oldie-but-goodie Canon 20D I sent her way some years ago, and every year we receive a calendar filled with excellent family photos. From Kim, we receive a steady stream of cell phone photos of our grandkids, her household decor, plants in her garden and anything else she can think of. She doesn't think of herself as a photographer, but she is, and a prolific one at that. Both the girls are creating an ongoing documentation of their families, and provided they download their photos to their computers and back them up, and most especially, make prints, they will have photographic records of their families that will bring joy for generations to come.

                                       Lunch at the grandparents' pool, 1972

Since I began dabbling in photography in 1968 I've made it a habit to keep a camera close at hand at all times. When I notice something of interest I casually snap off a few frames. Someday soon I plan to put a bunch of those photos together in a book that tells the story of the life of my family, have it printed by one of the online printing companies, and give a copy to each of my kids and grandkids. A worthy project for any parent.

Photographs and text copyright 2022, David B.Jenkins.

I post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week unless life gets in the way.

Soli Gloria Deo

For the glory of God alone 



  1. Taking images of one's family is one of the most important tasks a (wannabee) photographer can assign to one's self. I missed MANY opportunities as my kids were growing up to document our family life. It is the one thing in life that I wish I could do over.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Seagrove. I'm sure your lament is one that is shared by many, but it does make the pictures you do have all the more precious.
