Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Are Family Pictures Important?

 Our Christmas Dinner, 1973

A few days ago my daughter-in-law, Kim, sent me an old picture postcard from the early 1960s. The photo showed a family at the beach, and the caption said "If you don't think photos are important, wait until they are all you have left."

Back in the 1980s, Louise and I went to a party at a friend's house. After we had eaten, we sat down to play party games. One of the games was to list three things we would take out of our house if it were on fire. Pictures were on everyone's list, and they were number one on at least half the lists.

It wasn't convenient to set my camera on a tripod that Christmas Day in 1973, set up a flash on a separate stand, focus the camera (no auto-focus in those days), then set the self-timer and hurry back to my place at the table. Rinse and repeat. But I did it, and now we will always have a picture to remind us of a happy time in our lives. Louise was in nursing school, and I was about a year into a new career at Continental Film Productions. We had come through a few difficult years, but now things were looking up for the Jenkins. We dressed up, even though there was no one there but us, because it was a day to celebrate.

While you're looking, please notice the decor. It's dated now, of course, but Louise has always had a gift for making every place we've ever lived a warm, homey home. That's another thing I enjoy remembering when I look at this picture.

Preaching again, I know. But listen to your elders. Make prints!

(This picture was originally square, so it was probably made with a Yashica or Rolleicord twin-lens reflex. The film was color negative.)

Louise has been busy all day home-making in our new home.

Check out the pictures at my online gallery:  Looking is free, and you might find something you like.

Photography and text copyright 2023 David B.Jenkins.

I post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday unless life gets in the way.

Soli Gloria Deo -- For the glory of God alone.


  1. I received all of the family photos after my mom's passing last year. She had received most of her family's photos. It's straight up fantastic to see photos of my grandfather when he was a young man.

    I can't imagine that my children will want to pick through my hard drive to look for family photos.

    1. Indeed, it is not likely they will want to pick through your hard drive, Jim. Make prints! Congratulations on the trove from your mother.

  2. A very well set up family photo. In 1973, I was living with my parents in a basement apartment. The walls were covered with wood panelling like in your picture and I'm sure a rug like yours was in our place at one point.
