Thursday, July 1, 2021

Connectivity Problems

Elementary kids at the Randolph School in Huntsville, AL

30 years ago learn about computers. This was before

computers invaded and took over our lives.


Connectivity has been a problem ever since we began living in an RV.  We began with 20 gigs of data from the carrier we had been using for some years, but it soon became obvious that it was not nearly enough. The campground provided wifi, but it was miserably, excruciatingly, slow. Slow to the point of unusability. It was hard to keep up this blog, not to mention all the other things for which we need the internet.

In March we switched to T-Mobile, which gave us more data, but we soon found their phone coverage was lacking. So we looked at Verizon, which we had used for more than 20 years when we were in our house, but they didn't offer any more data than we could get from our old carrier, and were much more expensive. So back we went to Consumer Cellular, this time with a mobile hotspot and a plan that provided up to 55 gigabytes of data per month.

Which we used up on about the 20th of each month.

And then -- the dreaded slowdown.

Then we learned that T-Mobile was offering 100 gigs of data for $50 per month. They also gave us, for free, another mobile hotspot for signing up! Now, we can run T-Mobile data through their hotspot for our computers and streaming TV and the Consumer Cellular data through their hotspot for our phones and iPads.

We're just at the beginning stages with this arrangement, but looks like maybe we have found a solution to our connectivity problem. I'll let you know next month!

Photograph and text copyright 2021, David B.Jenkins

I post each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday unless life gets in the way.

Soli Gloria Deo

For the glory of God alone