Saturday, May 18, 2024

A Birthday and a New (to Me) Car

The mighty Kia Sorento.

Last Tuesday, May 14th, was my 87th birthday. I celebrated by getting a new (to me) Kia Sorento. We started out with a list of about eight, culled from the AutoTrader listings, but this was the first one we looked at, and the one I really wanted. It was the only one on the list with a V6 engine and four-wheel-drive. After the big snow last winter I determined that our next car would have four-wheel-drive if at all possible.

In addition to that, this car seems to have every bell and whistle imaginable. I may be in a nursing home by the time I figure it all out. For that matter, figuring it all out may well put me in the nursing home.

But at least the monster truck is gone to a new home and we have space in our driveway for another car.

As to the matter of turning 87 -- it was just another day. But that doesn't mean I take it for granted. I receive every day as a gift and I'm thankful. I hope the days will continue coming for a long, long time. 

I'm grateful to God for allowing me to live so long. To be honest, I kinda hoped I might live a long time, since my father and mother lived to 90 and 91, respectively, but long life is nothing anyone can count on -- too many things can happen.

So I'm grateful. I'm grateful I was able to spend so much of my life doing things I love. I'm grateful to have spent so much of it with the woman I love -- nearly 59 years so far. I'm grateful to be a photographer, and for the places photography has taken me and the adventures I've had. 

Above all, I'm grateful to Jesus, who gave his life so that I could have eternal life.

I've been blessed far beyond anything I could ever have hoped or dreamed. And if the adventure should have a few more chapters to write, that would be even better.

Photo: Fuji X-T20 camera, Fujicron XC 16-50 mm lens.

Signed copies of my book Backroads and Byways of Georgia are available. The price is $22.95 plus $4.50 shipping. My PayPal address is (which is also my email). Or you can mail me a check to 8943 Wesley Place, Knoxville, TN 37922. Include your address and tell me how you would like your book inscribed.

Check out the pictures at my online gallery:  Looking is free, and you might find something you like.

Photography and text copyright 2024 David B.Jenkins.

I post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday unless life gets in the way.

Soli Gloria Deo -- For the glory of God alone.

Tags:   photography     travel    Kia Sorento     Fuji X-T20 camera     Fujicron XC 16-50mm lens


  1. Happy birthday and many more healthy years. I hope you are photographing and publishing your blog for many moons to come.
    Congratulations on the Sorento. My grandfather had an older version that ran well. Yours has quite a pleasing design.

    1. Thanks, Marcus. Only eight years to 95!
      I like the looks of the Kia, and it runs great. I'm glad I was able to find one with 4WD.

  2. Happy Birthday Dave!
    May God continue to bless you and Louise for many years to come.
    Nice car! A vehicle that new I would have to read the manual just to start it. 🤔

    1. Thanks very much, Greg. It's only a '16, but I feel like I'm getting in the cockpit of a fighter plane.

  3. Congratulations on both. I turned 74 on Thursday (16th). You give me encouragement, keep leading the way.

    1. Bob, thanks! Your comment is an encouragement to me.

  4. Dave, Happy Birthday and congratulations on the new ‘ride.’ I pray you have many more years of great health, love, accomplishment and joy in our Lord. ~Dennis

  5. Dennis, thank you so much for your lovely and encouraging comment.
