Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Devlin Discovers the Sprinkler


Devlin gets sprayed.

This will be a short post because we just got home and it's late. Our water heater went out last week, and while we wait for a replacement we've been going to our son's house on the other side of town to take showers. So I'm just going to write a few words about how I find photographs.

I don't much go out looking for photographs these days, especially since we moved to Knoxville. There was a time when I did, but most of my photographs for the last several years have come from magazine or book assignments, self-generated projects, or out of my life as I lived it. 

Family, at least if you have one like mine, can be a rich source of photos if you keep your eyes open and your camera handy. This is my grandson Devlin, not quite three years old, becoming acquainted with a sprinkler. Devlin is 23 now, and a student at the University of Tennessee studying something so advanced I don't even know how to tell you about it. I suspect he does not consider this his finest moment. 

The photo was made in 2004 with my first digital camera, the Canon EOS 10D and a 28-105mm f3.5-4.5 EF lens.

Signed copies of my book Backroads and Byways of Georgia are available. The price is $22.95 plus $4.50 shipping. My PayPal address is (which is also my email). Or you can mail me a check to 8943 Wesley Place, Knoxville, TN 37922. Include your address and tell me how you would like your book inscribed.

Check out the pictures at my online gallery:  Looking is free, and you might find something you like.

Photography and text copyright 2024 David B.Jenkins.

I post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday unless life gets in the way.

Soli Gloria Deo -- For the glory of God alone.

Tags:   photography     family      Knoxville     University of Tennessee    Canon EOS 10D     Canon EF 28-105mm lens

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