Friday, May 31, 2024

Why Not Just Shoot with Your Cell Phone?

 Dogwoods in Bloom

This photo could have been made
with a cell phone camera. (But wasn't.)
Olympus E-PL1, 14-42mm Zuiko lens.

(Blog Note: Life has been getting in the way a lot recently, so today I'm re-posting a blog from June, 2020.)

What's the point of carrying a camera, anyway?

Cell phones are an easy way to to make and share spontaneous pictures in the spirit of George Eastman’s “You push the button and we do the rest.” So you might well ask “Why not just shoot with a cell phone?”

Most people, I'm sure, are perfectly happy to do just that. Why would anyone choose to fool with cameras and lenses and all that related photo paraphernalia when cell phone cameras are so convenient and capable? But there are some of us for whom cell phones just not enough.We may be a minority, but we want something more.

For me, at least, there are a number of good reasons why I choose to use a camera rather than a phone.

First, Better Pictures. When I’m out and about with a camera, I’m usually attuned, even if only on a subconscious level, to looking for things that will make good pictures. With a cell phone, not so much, although something may slap me upside the head, like the three ladies and the baby in my post of June 1, 2020. I almost didn’t go back and take that picture.

Second, Control. Cell phone cameras don’t offer much in the way of control, although they are improving in that regard. Exposure and focus are automatic, and the vast, vast majority of happy-snappers wouldn’t have it any other way. But if I want to decide what my exposure should be, whether I want much or little depth-of-field, whether I want to use a fast or slow shutter speed, or exactly where I want to focus, I need a real camera. All these capabilities are the reason we call them real cameras.

Dall Sheep in Denali National Park, Alaska
This photo could not have been taken with a
cell phone camera. Olympus OM-D E-M5,
Panasonic 14-140mm lens at 260mm equivalent.

Third, Capability. Most cell phone cameras come with a somewhat wide-angle lens. If I want a lens with a wider angle of view, or a normal or telephoto field of view, I need a real camera.

Fourth, Quality. Cell phone cameras have very small sensors. And while some of them are surprisingly good, everything else being equal, the larger sensors in real cameras will always be sharper and clearer, especially in larger prints.
Fifth, The Intangibles. A good camera gives me pleasure that a cell phone simply cannot provide. There’s the pleasure of owning and using an object of high quality workmanship. There’s the pleasure of mastering and using the skills necessary to operate such a complex tool. And finally, as I said in my previous post, I simply like cameras. I like holding them (don't call it fondling, please) I like reading about them, and I especially like using them.

Different strokes for different folks.

Signed copies of my book Backroads and Byways of Georgia are available. The price is $22.95 plus $4.50 shipping. My PayPal address is (which is also my email). Or you can mail me a check to 8943 Wesley Place, Knoxville, TN 37922. Include your address and tell me how you would like your book inscribed.

Check out the pictures at my online gallery:  Looking is free, and you might find something you like.

Photography and text copyright 2024 David B.Jenkins.

I post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday unless life gets in the way.

Soli Gloria Deo -- For the glory of God alone.

Tags:   photography     cell phones     Olympus E-PL1 digital camera     Olympus Zuiko 14-42mm lens    Panasonic Lumix G Vario 14-140mm lens     Olympus E-M5 digital camera     Alaska     Dall sheep


  1. For me cellphones are handy for recording data, the when and where of something. My real cameras are for trying to be creative.
