Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Beyond the Cell Phone Camera

David and assistant. St. Mark's Square, Venice.

If your interest in photography is growing and you are beginning to discover that a cell phone camera doesn't always allow you to make the pictures you want to make, then maybe it's time to think about moving up to something more capable. Like a real camera, with different lenses and all that. 

But perhaps you're worried that it will be too complicated and expensive. If you read photography blogs and web sites that talk about equipment, you have probably noticed that most of them are telling you that the only way to go is to buy top-of-the-line cameras and lenses. Don't believe them. The photos in this post were made by Louise on our Italy trip in 2005, using a tiny Olympus point-and-shoot camera with a zoom lens.

Admittedly, point-and-shoot cameras are pretty much out of the picture these days (see what I did there?), but you can get a good camera for not much more than we paid for her little camera back in the day. Amazon sells a Canon EOS Rebel T7 with two zoom lenses for $499. Nikon sells a similar outfit for a little more money. 

Both these cameras are capable picture-takers and will allow you to do about anything you want to do. If I needed to, I could make my living with either of these cameras and their lenses. In fact, every photo in my Backroads and Byways of Georgia and Rock City Barns books could have been made with either of these cameras.

And if you're afraid they will be too complicated for you to use, fear not. They have fully automatic modes that will enable you to snap away while you're learning to use the settings.

Here are a few more of Louise's pictures from our Italy trip.

Gondolas in Venice

Vernazza, in the Cinque Terra

Check out the pictures at my online gallery:  Looking is free, and you might find something you like.

Photography copyright Louise D. Jenkins, text copyright David B Jenkins, 2023 

I post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday unless life gets in the way.

Soli Gloria Deo -- For the glory of God alone.

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