Friday, December 4, 2020

Time to Go

Our herd, on a foggy morning.

We raised cattle for 24 years. It was

a lot of work and deeply satisfying.


Well, it has finally happened. We have a contract on our home and property; the property which we bought 35 years ago, onto which we moved in a 12x40 mobile home 33 years ago this month, and the home which we built almost 27 years ago. It has been an incredible journey. But it's time to go. Upkeep and maintenance are more than we care any longer to deal with. The choice is not easy, but nonetheless clear. We can walk out now, or be carried out later. We think (hope) we have a few more years of traveling in us and that's what we'd like to do.

We have about five weeks before we have to be out of our house to make room for the crew that will set up our estate sale. We're pretty much selling out to the walls, taking with us only those things that will fit in a fifth-wheel trailer or motor home, plus a small storage unit. It's amazing how much two people can accumulate in more than 55 years of marriage. I had thought that it would hurt to give up all these "things," but you know, it really doesn't. We used them, we enjoyed owning them, and now we're ready to move on. 

Our 22-foot travel trailer and Chevy 1500 pickup which have served us so well will have to make way for a trailer large enough to live in and a truck powerful enough to pull it. It's been great, especially the trip west in 2018. 

I'll do my best to keep up my regular Monday-Wednesday-Friday blogging schedule, but things are gonna be really busy around here for the next month or two, so some posts may be short or MIA.

Blog Note: I post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at I'm trying to build up my readership, so if you're reading this on Facebook and like what I write, would you please consider sharing my posts?

(Photograph copyright David B. Jenkins 2020)

Soli Gloria Deo

To the glory of God alone


  1. That's a lovely photo. Congratulations on selling your house and starting on your mobile life. It must be quite exciting to know that on any morning you can just attach your trailer to your truck and go live in another place for as long as you choose.

  2. Thanks, Marcus. As I wrote to another friend, "North Georgia or East Tennessee in the fall, Florida in the winter, and somewhere west in spring and summer until one of us is off to heaven or the nursing home.

    Of course, you know about "the best-laid plans of mice and men. . ."

    1. I hope you have many, many years of living mobile and sharing the photos here.
