Friday, June 24, 2022

Where Do My Pictures Come From?

Yugoslav peasant woman in church, 1990.

Where do my pictures come from? They come from assignments I am given, from book and magazine projects I am assigned or that I generate, from travel, both professional and personal, for Louise and I have been blessed to be prolific travelers; from occasional days of going out and looking for photographs, and from simply carrying a camera as I go about the daily rounds of my life and photographing whatever interests me. Most of all, I hope it is evident that my photographs come from my heart.

The photograph of an old peasant woman was made in a little church in what I think is now Bosnia in March, 1990, just a few months after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Louise and I had been sent by the Church of God on a three-week tour of Eastern Europe to document the role of Christians in bringing about the breakup of the Soviet empire. You can read about it beginning here.

Photograph and text copyright 2022, David B.Jenkins.

I post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday unless life gets in the way.

Soli Gloria Deo

For the glory of God alone

My book, Backroads and Byways of Georgia, is now out of print, although copies are apparently still available from Amazon, and possibly other sources. The second edition is now in the editing stage and is scheduled to be published on December 6th.


  1. Dave, in this day of overly saturated, Photoshopped pictures, it is nice to see photos of real people taken with film cameras.

    1. Thanks, Greg. This photo actually looks better a little darker. I blush to say that I raised the levels a bit in Photoshop to make it easier for people to see on phones and tablets.
